Extraversion and personality in the workplace – how big of a role does it play?

When thinking about personality, one of the most common distinctions that people make is the one between introverts and extraverts. As you can read in this blog, the boundary between the two isn’t that clear-cut. Nonetheless, there are some key differences between introverts and extraverts that can play out in the workplace. Extraverts might be more likely to enjoy fast-paced events of meeting new people,…

Fortsätt läsaExtraversion and personality in the workplace – how big of a role does it play?

What exactly is the difference between introverts and extraverts?

If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve probably thought about whether you’re an introvert or an extravert. When you try searching it, there are countless results about tests you can take and information you can read to try to figure out it out. This mass of information makes the true difference unclear, especially because a lot of this information is not that reliable.…

Fortsätt läsaWhat exactly is the difference between introverts and extraverts?

Personality tests – What should you use in the workplace?

Personality tests are everywhere. Whether it’s “What kind of fast food am I?” or something more serious, a lot of people love using these quizzes either for fun or to learn more about themselves. Most of the time, these personality quizzes are just harmless fun. If your results on the fast food quiz aren’t accurate, there’s no real…

Fortsätt läsaPersonality tests – What should you use in the workplace?